Thursday, March 12, 2009

Male POV

My DELIGHTFUL crit partner IRL sent me this link and seriously....



If you're a writer, whether it's Romance, FanFiction, Mysteries, SciFi.
If you're a female---READ THIS.

Such easy things, but such important things when it comes to a female writer and trying to understand male pov. It's one of the HARDEST things a writer has to do.

Read me.



The Goddess Hathor said...

OK! I read it :) and bookmarked it :)

~ Hath

TaraLeigh said...

A little forceful, was I?

Super_Kiwi said...

Very handy!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm guilty as charged w/this. Thanks for posting this Tara...

TaraLeigh said...

No problem! Hope it helps.
SEriously the amt of MALE romance authors at the end of the post floored me tho.

joviswillow said...

Very interesting. Some things I never really considered. Now, if only we had a Fan Fic convention to go to... (i am sure there is one out there somewhere).